FM2X20G25G is a x2 active broadband frequency multiplier GaAs PHEMT SMT package. It has low input power drive requirement (-4 to +6 dBm). When driven by +0 dBm signal, the multiplier provides a +11 dBm typical output power from 20 to 25 GHz. It integrates 2 Amplifiers (one before Multiplier and one after Multiplier). The low additive SSB Phase Noise of -135 dBc/Hz at 100 kHz offset maintains good system noise performance. The FM2X20G25G is ideal for use in LO multiplier chains for Point-to-Point & VSAT Radios and yielding reduced parts counts vs. traditional approaches. The input connector and Output connector are 2.92mm Steel Connector.
Enclosure is using RF Design Kit 6UDD2W6O5A2 with dimension 0.9375"x0.9375x0.47".
SKU#: AK20_004M