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  • Test Instrument
  • January 12, 2022 1 min read

    LOTUS Communication Systems, Inc. has recently bought Refurbished R&S SGT100A Vector Signal Generator with MSRP over $60K.

    The options below are installed in SGT100A:

    B1--Reference Oscillator OCXO

    KB106--Frequency Extension 6Ghz (Software License)

    K240--GSM/Edge, R&S®Sgt-K510 And R&S®Winiqsim2 Required
    K241--Edge Evolution, R&S®Sgt-K240 And R&S®Winiqsim2 Required
    K242--3GPP FDD, R&S®Sgt-K510 And R&S®Winiqsim2 Required
    K255--Eutra/LTE, R&S®Sgt-K510 And R&S®Winiqsim2 Required
    K510--Arb Baseband Generator, 32 Msamples, 60Mhz RF Bandwidth
    K511--Arb Memory Extension To 256 Msamples
    K521--Baseband Extension To 120Mhz RF Bandwidth

    This VSG will enable us to test a lot of waveforms.  When combined with our Block Up Converter, we can convert complex waveforms into higher frequency (millimeter wave) band for testing/verification/validation.

     At LOTUS, we always looking to improve our capabilities to better serve our customers.  We look forward to provide integrated RF/Microwave solutions.

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